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Some Tricky Truths

Hi lovely,

I hope you're able to enjoy a cuppa a nd a fe w minutes peace whilst reading this.

Today, I thought I would write a bit about the journey I'm on, how its showing up for me, but more importantly how it allows me to help you!

(To paint a picture of my day and how writing to you is looking...I woke up feeling extremely dizzy, taking 2hrs for it to shift so that I could cope with being upright! Now I'm a bit woozy and if I move too quickly am dizzy once doing things slowly today and hoping it's a short lived bug or something! Plus my 9yo is intermittently interupting me to tell me about his tanks. But this is authentically me, and showing up as myself is something I'm working on currently, so will get more to that in a bit).

So you may be aware that my long term dream is to open holistic birth centres across the UK. If you want to hear more on this go check out this blog post later

And in building my business to accommodate this dream, I'm on a learning journey of evolving my business to both accommodate this and my family's changing needs.

Prior to having children I couldn't imagine working less, let alone doing anything other than being a nurse, as it was my passion. And then having my first child changed all that and spun it on its head. I had a different priority and focus. Caring for my children became top priority and working less was both necessity and without other option.

13hr shifts became more inconvenient and my children struggled with me being away for so long. So over time my work has evolved. My passion for breastfeeding begun very early on in my parenting journey, feeling sad that some of my friends had struggled to get the support they needed and didn't have the joy I had had from feeding. So there the seed was planted to want to support other families with lactation.


(So a little history here, if you've heard it before, feel free to skip down a little)

Having always done yoga from a young age, it wasn't a surprise I wanted to go on to teach pregnancy yoga having had such a fantastic experience with my teacher in my first pregnancy with . And learning all about physiological birth from her, wanting to expand my knowledge and offerings. My nursing background was a great place to start and over the years my knowledge has continued to grow.

Over time evolving to my unique course, Relax, Flow & Birth Programme which consists of combining yoga and hypnobirthing as tools to support you in your birth journey


As well as such great feedback , I too get so much from working face to face with clients. And this in person work continues with tongue tie & feeding support. Currently I support families with challenges feeding and potential oral dysfunction. Whether that's establishing if there is a true tongue tie, or a faux tongue tie presenting due to tension. Preparing the tongue and body for a division (gentle exercises to address tension/ low tone, to allow the tongue to move well post division) or supporting families with challenges post division, particularly if they haven't had any after care. Over the coming months I will complete the training I am currently doing to become a tongue tie practitioner i.e. dividing tongue ties. Though it's important to say that dividing a tongue tie is a small part of the solution. The majority of the solution is getting the tongue moving well both before and post .

So those are my in person offerings, which I am hugely passionate about, so will continue on for as long as possible with those. BUT I have a deep yearning to support and serve more people, so that takes me to my digital work. From blogs, to socials, and then my digital products I also offer. Things you can access in your own time, at your own pace.

And now to the growth and evolution of things right now!! Drum roll please.....

Having come to the realisation over the last few months, that we are a neurodivergent family, and I am a neurodivergent human, I have also realised some hard truths. Not only have I masked my entire life, I have been masking in my business too. Somewhere along the way, I got this message that I should "hide" who I really am and instead I should behave a certain way! Crazy right?!

So now, I have been gifted this opportunity to uncover and show the world who I really am, without regard for what "other people think". Pretty cool right?

The more I can show up in my business, the more I can serve you, and offer kick ass content to support you in your journey! And thus I have been lead to my newest offering.


If you haven't read it already, I would highly recommend reading/ listening to The Big Leap, by Gay Hendricks. In the book, Gay talks about instead of aiming for our Zone of Excellence (things we can do well and to a high standard) but to our Zone of Genius (something we are outstanding at doing, and yet it comes so easily). And for a while (longer than a while) I've been working out what exactly my Zone of Genius is, and I have found it.

I'm great at holding space for people, helping them feel heard & supported, as well as supporting them on their journey. I do it ALL the time. And what better way to do this, but by offering clients the chance for weekly support, to pick my brains about all things pregnancy & birth, to unpick limiting beliefs and fears, working through these and implementing tools to mentally and emotionally prepare for birth.

It's called The Birth & Postnatal Mindset Guru 1:1

So if you know this is for you, or if you're curious as to whether it would be a good fit. Let's jump on a call together and we can chat it all through. To book a call drop me a line and we can go from there.

We will meet on Zoom each week to chat, work on your mindset, do yoga/ relaxation / mediation / hypnobirthing, whatever you need, and your can send me the odd voice note in between, to keep you on track and moving ahead in the positive way you desire as you prepare for birth! The beauty of this offer, is that not only is it flexible, but it also means it doesn't matter where in the world you're from, we can still work together!

So if any of this floats your boat, you've got ideas for what resources you'd like to see next, or anything in between, just let me know.

Much love, Candy

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